CityEars is a curated list of musical gigs in Italian cities built with Next.js. Contributors can ask for login access to add events, whose are fetched realtime from a MongoDB database using an API route.
Project Purpose and Goal
I always been amazed by minimalistic websites that gets the job done without fancy graphics or UI. When I first moved to London, one of my favourite websites was Londonears, a list of gigs all around London presented in a very simple format: day, band, location, price, link.
With CityEars I wanted to reproduce the same kind of layout, but benefitting from the modularity of Next.js ad MongoDB to have different cities and the ability to submit events by requesting access to a form.

For this project I wanted to try a challenge and do the styling with Tailwind CSS, being my first attempt with it.
Problems and Thought Process
One of the main challenges so far has been managing the validation logic for the Add Event form, I am planning the use the Formik library to avoid writing the validation logic all by myself for every input.